Saturday, September 4, 2010

ABAP Development and Programming:

Guys here are the few links related to ABAP ,hope you find it helpful
 A list of Tables and Function about Global Class' information 
 A Program to demonstrate how to declare, implement & use methods in abap objects 
 ABAP - Developing Interactive ALV Report using OOABAP 
 ABAP Application Server 
 ABAP code snippet to upload Excel file into an internal table & display it in alv format 
 ABAP Programs 
 ABAP system fields 
 ABAP Tip-How to Debug Pop-up window 
 ABAP Tips and Tricks Database 
 ABAP-ALV with Traffic Signals using classes 
 ABAP-Creating Tabs in Report program 
 ABAP-Developed a Tool For Downloading Programs 
 ABAP-Traffic Signals in ALV using Classes 
 Actual Import Report 
 Add a custom header for every new program 
 add days , weeks, months,years to date 
 add or subtract dates, months,years to date 
 ALE Introduction 
 ALV grid control with 2 different approaches! 
 Alv in Detail 
 ALV Stock Transfer Program 
 alv with pagenos and subtotals 
 An sample Report program for Printing Adobe forms Configured in NACE 
 APO Data Dictionary Program 
 APO Delete Master Data 
 APO Demand Planning LiveCache 
 APO to Mapped Network Drive 
 Application Log Display 
 Application Log Program 
 Asset Detail Report 
 Assign Smart form translations to a transport request 
 Avoid loosing long text maintained in sales order when sold to party changed in sales order 
 Avoiding dumps in a program 
 Barcode Printing in SAP 
 BDC - How to handle error log file to upload the data in call transaction method 
 Bunch of Plant Maintanence Tables 
 Call Adobe Form through ABAP Program 
 Call FM to generate alv tree and deal with user action 
 Cancel billing document (VF11) 
 Change outbound delivery (VL02) 
 Changing the default password for sap use 
 Checking for a leap year. 
 Clone hunter 
 Code Snippet of printing adobe forms configured in NACE 
 Commonly asked questions in ABAP 
 Consuming WebServices in Adobe FLEX 
 Control Recipe, PI Sheet Program 
 Converting Scripts Output Into Pdf Form 
 Copy of SAP Business Workflow 
 Create & Delete folder on presentation server 
 Creating Adobe Forms 
 Creating dynamic variant using table TVARV 
 Creation of RFQ Automatically 
 Creation two OOPS ALV with editable fields & Save 
 Custom Idoc Transfering from One application server into Another application server 
 Custom Mandatory Message for Standard Selection Screen 
 Daily Production Report 
 Data declaration based on data-type declared in Global class 
 Data Dictionary Program in APO 
 Debugging workflows and generating sub-workflows 
 Deleting file from Windows 
 Deleting PO History 
 Designing Selection Screen 
 Development Class Program 
 Different Pop_Ups in ABAP 
 Disable popup when uploading excel files with macros 
 Display Characteristics of Elements of a PDF-Based Form in ALV 
 Display two or more ALVs on one screen using Splitter Control 
 Displaying 3D Graphs in ABAP 
 Displaying ALV on the Selection Screen 
 displaying top of page at right, center, left 
 Document for configuring SAP R3 to send mail to external domain 
 Document on BADI 
 Download All programs and FMs of a package 
 Download File in UTF-8 encoding 
 Downloading all the programs belonging to a specific package. 
 Downloading internal tables to Excel 
 Duplex printing in SAP 
 Dynamic Content Upload Interface 
 Dynamic Content Upload Interface File Version 
 Dynamic Content Upload Interface Idoc Version 
 Dynamic Structures and Components in CU62 
 Dynamic Tabstrip in ABAP 
 Easy Step To Debug a Smartform 
 EDI Invoice Outbound Program 
 Editable ALV through OOPS 
 Enhancement Program 
 Equipment Phase in Workbench 
 Examples and demos by SAP 
 Excel files - CSV format 
 Exertion of SAP notes 
 Expected Deliveries Report 
 Factory Production Report 
 Fetching IP Address of Application Server in ABAP 
 Few Keyboard Shortcuts 
 Few Keyboard Shortcuts in New ABAP Editor 
 FI Document Status Report 
 FI PA to SAP Interface 
 FI Rebate Currency Discount Program 
 FI SAP to ISS Interface 
 File Copying using SAP Program 
 File Deletion from SAP program 
 File Hex Viewer 
 File to Idoc FACT Program 
 File to Inbound Idoc Program 
 Find a BADI in a minute 
 Find Application class with Exits and Badis for a Transaction 
 Flight Data Application - Demo Example for Integration Technologies 
 Function Module related on Date calculations 
 Function Module to create PO using BAPI 
 Functional location Bulk creation 
 Get Changed Value In ALV Grid Dynamically. 
 get the name of the month , date and year 
 Getting a input field populated on entering the value in one Input field 
 Global Macro 
 Goods Movement Program 
 Hierarchical ALV from list display 
 How to create table maintenance generator? 
 How to Create you own Number Range ? (SNRO) 
 how to display internal table data in excel with picture using OLE 
 How to do Explicit Enhancement 
 How To Do Implicit Enhancement 
 How to Find BAPI 
 How to get the variant for which a report went to Dump 
 How to include an authorization group restriction in an SAP query 
 How to initialize LDB screen elements add element with LDB screen ? 
 How to make table maintenance generator 
 How To search the Transaction by text 
 HR Forms 
 HR Programming - Read Infotype 
 Human Resource Tables - a quick reference guide for an ABAP HR Consultant 
 Implementing Tabstrips through selection screen 
 Important Function Modules In SAP 
 Important Transaction Codes used in CTS 
 Inbound Idoc Creation Program 
 Inbound Idoc Interface in CU62 
 Inspection Report 
 Integrated Asset Master Consistency Check Report 
 Interface creation using BAPI 
 Interface from KIZAI to eMRO for Depreciation rate 
 Invoice DAF Program 
 Junction Functions 
 Know the difference between Class and Function Module 
 last date of a month later some years, months,days 
 Learn making First Smartform Step by Step 
 Learn Making First Table Control 
 List of BAPI's 
 List of Commonly Used Function Modules 
 List of Customized Sapscripts 
 List of programs not assigned to any TCode 
 List of system exceptions as of 46C 
 List of Transaction codes 
 List processing 
 Locating SD User Exit routines 
 lock and unlock delivery document 
 Lock and Unlock User IDs 
 Logo Display 
 Logo Display By ALV OOPS 
 LSMW Steps in Detail 
 Maintaining Change Log for Database Tables 
 Make First SAP Script step by step 
 Making ALV to react to Change data automatically 
 Manufacturing Development 
 Manufacturing Variance Report 
 Material Master Upload Program 
 Material Wastage Report Logic 
 Missing Days Extract 
 MM Create RFQ program 
 MM Material Master Program 
 month in words date in number 
 MPN, price and standard order quantity 
 My first SAP Script step by step 
 Netweaver Overview presenter 
 Network and Activities Program 
 Network Maintain Program 
 New ABAP Debugger 
 New ABAP Editor 
 NEW FM in Place of Obsolete FM 
 Number of days in a year 
 OBSOLETE Move a file from source to target directories or Delete file 
 Obsolete system fields 
 Online Text Repository (OTR) 
 Opening MS-Word doc on selection-screen from presentation server 
 Pallet Traceability Report 
 Parallel Processing 
 Passing data from one ABAP program to another 
 Payroll Results Using Classes 
 PDF Downlaod By Creating Spool Request 
 PDF files in SAP 
 Physical Inventory Difference Report 
 Planned Order Idoc Program 
 Planned vs Actual Report in Manufacturing 
 Plant Maintenance Network Schedule Program 
 Plant Maintenance Program 
 Plant Maintenance Stock Parts Program 
 Plant Maintenance Update MRP Program 
 Plant Maintenance Update Network Program 
 PM Maintenance Order Program 
 PP Production Declaration Program 
 Pricing Condition Program 
 Pricing System Program 
 print the selection screen data on the report output 
 Printing a line after Subtotaling in an ALV 
 Process Order Goods Movement Report 
 Process Orders Variance Report 
 Process Output types through program 
 Production Declaration for a Process Order 
 Production Order Idoc Program 
 Prog to upload from XL to DDIC Table 
 program to get the archiving object size 
 Purchase Order Info Records 
 Quarterly Reporting of Actuals to Central Procurement 
 Read any OTF Data in Adobe Reader 
 Reduced Message Types 
 Relationship between tables 
 Relevant ALV Grid Programs 
 Replacement of VC_I_GET_CONFIGURATION for perfomance tunning 
 Report to manage the asset quantity and value 
 Retrieving and Manipulating Attachments to SAP Business Objects (SAPOffice, BDS, DMS, GOS, ...) 
 RFC Purchase Order Change from Ariba 
 RFC Purchase Order Creation from Ariba 
 RFQ Create Program 
 Sales Order Interface 
 Sample program to open excel sheet using OLE 
 SAP Books 
 SAP Business Workflow 
 SAP Customizing Tools 
 SAP Graphics 
 SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe 
 SAP Scripts in Detail 
 SAP TechEd09 - Phoenix Session CD205 - Tips and Tricks to Learn and Leverage Newer Technologies 
 SAPGUI shortcuts 
 SAPmvc Documentation 
 SCANS a transaction Code 
 Scheduled Notification 
 Scheduling background job by triggering an event 
 SCM Variance Report 
 SELECT Statements and CURSOR statement - Performance Analysis. 
 select the text from lower case data element 
 Send External Mail with attachment 
 Send Message to External email id and SAP User id via ABAP 
 Send Smartform As .Xls As Spread Sheet 
 Sending Mails - Home Page 
 Service numbers from ServiceEntrySheet using PO Line Item 
 Ship Maintenance Preparation List 
 SHP_GET_SD_DATA - Function module for Extracting Sales order Details 
 Simple Exercise to upload data using SXDA 
 Standard SAP FTP programs 
 Standardized dialogs (popup function modules, etc.) 
 Stock Transfer Program 
 Supress popup when using ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE 
 System Bar Code and using it in SAPscript 
 System Bar Code and using it in SAPscript layout for printing 
 System fields for LISTS. 
 Table Maintenance Program 
 Tabstrips in ABAP 
 Text Instant Comparator 
 The Events in Table Maintenance Generator SM30 
 time difference between two dates in hours or minutes 
 To activate objects programmatically 
 To apply batch split in an outbound delivery 
 To convert the Unit of Measure to alternate UOM 
 to create worklist for users 
 To get pricing condition of a Sales Order 
 To send 2 int tables data as two attachments to mail id outside sap system 
 Transfer MRO related GL Balances 
 Transfer MRO related GL balances from e-MRO 
 Transporting Table Entries in ABAP programmatically 
 Triggering a Business Object event using Function Module enhancement 
 Unlock login ID 
 upload blank lines in to the internal tables 
 Uploading data dynamically into structure and components 
 Useful SAP System Administration Transactions 
 Useful Transactions in SAP Workflow 
 Using the ALV Grid in SAP Reports 
 Validation of a string in terms of case 
 Vendor Master Upload Program 
 WBS Element Report 
 Web Service Publishing 
 Why use ABAP OO with Workflow? 
 Working with files 
 XSL transformation for complex tree structure to tables 
 ZOA - SAP integration without the guesswork 


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