Saturday, September 4, 2010

Four Steps to Unlock Portal Administrator

Unlocking Portal Administrator:

There are chances of  portal admin getting locked when password is wrongly entered three times. This stops Portal Administrator to logging in to Enterprise Portal which stops his/her administration activities. This is the time to activate emergency user SAP*.  SAP* enables you to log on to applications, in particular the configuration tools, and change the configuration. The SAP* user has full administrator authorizations. For security reasons, the SAP* user does not have a default password, so you must specify a password when you activate the user.*

Prerquisites: SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) Java is running as a Java-only installation


1.  Activate the SAP* user:       a.      Start the config tool. b.      Set the following UME properties:   


ume.superadmin.password<your preffered password c.     Restart the AS Java. The SAP* user is now activated.

2. Login to Portal with emergency user credentials (UserID:SAP* and Password: Refer


 a. Click on User Administration, Search for user Administrator -> Click on General Information set  new password for Administrator.

3.  Deactivate SAP* user (While it is activated, all other users are deactivated)

a.      Start the config tool. b.      Set the property ume.superadmin.activated to false.

c.      Restart the AS Java.

4. Logon to Portal with Administrator with  password set in Step-2  which inturn asks for setting new password.

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