Friday, September 3, 2010

Process Integration/XI - Exchange Infrastructure

Hi Guys ............PI/XI

Got few links which might be very useful for learning as well as practicing

Process Integration (PI 7.1) new features

 release information - PI 7.1, PI 7.11, ... - new features — New features introduced for >= PI 7.1 .

Frequently Asked Questions

 FAQ — Find here all frequently asked questions for the Exchange Infrastructure.


 Troubleshooting — XI/PI Troubleshooting Guides 

Step-by-Step Guides

 Step-by-Step Guides — Step by Step guides for different scenarios.


 Modeling — These are modeling examples for the SAP Exchange Infrastructure.

Learning Map

 ALE and IDocs 
 Capability and Enhancements of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 
 Editing message Payload in XI 
 How to append Carriage Return in the end of each tag of xml file 
 Integration Process (ccBPM) in XI — Integration process is a process defined as cross system process for processing messages.
 Learning Map — This learning map with a beginner's guide guides you through acquiring the skills for understanding and working with XI.
 PI 7.0 & 7.1 Mapping - Blogs,Articles,Wiki,Code Samples and Videos Collections 
 Process Integration for EDI and B2B 
 SOAP Messages in XI 
 Xpath Condition in Receiver Determination 


 Bibliography — In this section you can find a list of books about and related to SAP Exchange Infrastructure. 

Glossary & Definitions

 Mapping Techniques 
 XI 3.0 (disambiguation) 
 XI and PI glossary — XI and PI glossary explains the most common abbreviations and terms used in the XI area.

Tools and Accelerators

 NWA 7.1 (for VA users) 
  • PI HTTP Client - This is a .net based tool for windows. Features like saving and loading a project are provided in a user friendly screen.
  • XI/PI HTTP Client in Java
  • Hixay - reporting using Integration Directory API
  • Open PI Initiative - Open source initiative for SAP NetWeaver PI comprising conversion module and adapters for EDIFACT and AS2.


 XI Tables 
 XI Transaction Codes 
 XI ABAP Reports 
 JAVA Functions in XI 
 XI Links 
 XI Service Users

3rd Party

 Seeburger Suite for SAP PI 

Re: PI 7.1 Concept of Function Library in Process Integration

Re: FAQ J2EE JMS Adapter


Michal Krawczyk - FAQ blog - Wiki

release information - PI 7.1, PI 7.11, ... - new features

 PI 7.1 Components and its features over XI 2.0,XI 3.0,PI 7.0
 PI 7.1 EHP1 Delta Features over PI 7.1

Process Integration - Exchange Infrastructure

Parametrized Java Mapping in PI 7.1
 ABAP Client Proxy to ABAP Server Proxy Scenario 
 About Mapping types 
 Acknowledgement types 
 Advantages-Disadvantages of Stored Procedure in JDBC Scenario 
 ALE Related Transactions and Tables 
 ALE-Idoc configuration - (R3--XI--File) 
 Architecture of SAP Exchange Infrastructure (XI) 
 Audit Log 
 Basic File Adapter Content Conversion 
 Books Related to XI 
 BPM Performance 
 BPM Trouble Shooting Deadline Step 
 Bypassing the mapping step in XI to yield better performance. 
 Capability and Enhancements of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 
 Changing HTTP Port of decentralized Adapter Engine 
 Changing Namespaces and the encoding format of XML 
 Changing the Occurrences of Standard IDOC 
 CIDX Business Transaction Codes 
 CIDX Message Standards and configuring a scenario 
 Combining three different aspects of PI in one shot 
 Common Errors, Exception and Problem in SAP XI 
 Connection Settings between ECC and PI system 
 Converting XSD to SAP-PI compatible XSD 
 Copy of Step by Step Procedure of IDOC to File Scenario using BPM 
 Count of Records - 'Count on the easiest way through' 
 Detailed look into the suppressed nodes 
 Difference between Data type and Message type 
 Difference between Message mapping and Interface mapping 
 Difference between SXMB_ADM and SXMB_ADMINISTRATION 
 Different ways to create the Configuration Scenario 
 ECC 6.0 Post Installation Configuration of SLD,Visual Administrator tool for beginners 
 Editing message Payload in XI 
 Encryption in scenarios involving JDBC Adapter with Oracle Database 
 Enterprise resource Structuring , Planning & Implementation (ERSPI) 
 Error Handling in File-IDOC Scenario 
 Explain node functions 
 Externally Controlling the Communication Channel 
 Facts about IDoc Ports in XI 
 FAQ XI 3.0 PI 7.0 Adapter and Channel Monitoring 
 Fast growing tables in PI 7.0 
 Features added in Service Interface PI 7.1 and Other Enhancements in PI 7.1 
 File Lookup in UDF 
 File to JDBC Step by Step 
 File to Multiple IDOC Splitting without BPM 
 First Step to Learn SAP XI or PI 
 Folders in Pi 7.1 
 Framework of RNIF 
 How to append Carriage Return in the end of each tag of xml file 
 How to handle multiple message formats from 1 JMS Queue 
 How to resolve conflicts when Importing XI Repository Objects in IR? 
 How to revert to a previous version of a Message Mapping in XI-PI? 
 How to split message using ABAP mapping 
 How to transport Interface Repository Objects in XI or PI using file system? 
 How Well Managed is your Integration Directory? 
 Http Codes 
 HTTP TO Webservice 
 IDoc to SOAP Synchronous with BPM 
 Important Transaction Codes in XI 
 Important XI URLs and transactions 
 Integration Builder Namespace of external definitions 
 Integration Process (ccBPM) in XI 
 Java Mapping Concepts (DOM and SAX) 
 Java Mapping Sample Code 
 Java Mapping using DOM Parser 
 Java Mapping- Convert the Input xml to String 
 Java Proxy Outbound Implementation 
 Learning Map 
 Mail without email adapter? Part - I 
 Mapping Concepts in SAP XI 
 Mapping Techniques 
 Mapping templates in PI 7 
 Mastering Components in SAP XI 
 McAfee E-Business Server 
 Message Mapping....... Untouched Part 
 Message Packaging for Business Process Engine(BPE) 
 Monitoring Processes 
 More with the File Adapter 
 Negative Order Confirmation in EDI B2B Scenarios 
 NO 'Nodeception'? Then, What are the Alternatives? 
 NWA 7.1 (for VA users) 
 Parameters Used in Module Processing for Seeburger AS2 Adapter for SAP-PI 
 Petrolium Industry Data Exchange Business (PIDX) Transaction Codes 
 PI 7.0 & 7.1 Mapping - Blogs,Articles,Wiki,Code Samples and Videos Collections 
 PI 7.1 
 PI 7.1 Concept of Function Library in Process Integration 
 PI 7.1 Import Multiple External Data Types in a single shot 
 PI 7.1 Import Multiple External Data Types in a single shot. 
 PI Blogs by Topics 
 Problems with alert subscription and ALERTPERSONALIZE_RULES 
 Process Integration for EDI and B2B 
 Read Input Text File as a Single Field. 
 release information - PI 7.1, PI 7.11, ... - new features 
 Remove empty tags from an XML via XSLT 
 REST Web Services in XI (Proof of Concept) 
 Roadmap to Process Integration - PI 7.1 
 Rosettanet PIP Codes in Order Management 
 Sample Code - Dynamic Configuration in Java & ABAP Mapping 
 Sample Code for Java Mapping 
 SAP Exchange 
 SAP Notes collection for XI 
 SAP NW PI 7.1 - Publishing Service Interface as a webservice in Service Registry 
 SAP PI Enhancements 
 SAP PI7.1 Courses 
 SAP R3 (Idocs) To XI -- Steps Summarized 
 SAP XI Downloads 
 SAP XI Scenarios, HTTP to HTTP Asyncronous 
 SAP XI Videos 
 Sending Binary Data to Inbound Plain HTTP Adapter in XI and PI 
 Service for the User Defined Functions in PI 
 Single Sender File CC For Multiple Directories 
 Standard Functions in PI 7.0 
 Step by Step Approach for N-M Mapping through BPM 
 Step by Step Procedure of IDOC to File Scenario using BPM 
 Step by Step process for sending Customer or Vendor Master Data from ECC system to an external system mysql database through SAP Process Integration 
 step by step RFC to JDBC scenario 
 Step-by-Step Guides 
 Steps to trigger a message IDOC for Internal Order 
 Triggering webservice from Oracle Database with UTL_HTTP supplied package 
 Troubleshooting Integration Process 
 Troubleshooting the File Adapter 
 UDF Execution Type - Context and Queue. 
 UDF for without failing the OneAsMany function even the source has null value 
 Unable to convert Sender system to ALE logical system 
 Useful ABAP tables in SAP XI 
 Using PI 7.1 API for Java mapping 
 Using Request Response Bean Module in FILE Adapter 
 Value mapping 
 Virtual Receiver use in Receiver Determination B2B(Idoc to (File,Idoc or any other system)) 
 Webservices to File Scenario 
 What is Business System and what is Business Service 
 What is CMS and CTS and difference of CMS and CTS 
 What is Context and Context Change 
 Whole Payload to a XML field 
 WORKFLOW BOTTLE NECKS AND Tcode For Listing All The Workflows 
 XI 3.0 (disambiguation) 
 XI ABAP Reports 
 XI and PI glossary 
 XI HTTP Client in Java 
 XI libraries for development 
 XI Links 
 XI or PI Adapter types 
 XI Performance Check 
 XI Service Users 
 XI Tables 
 XI Transaction Codes 
 XI Useful Reports and Programs 
 XML Namespace Manipulation Using XSL 
 Xpath Condition in Receiver Determination 

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